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  2. Using ActiveDraft

How to Collaborate in ActiveDraft

ActiveDraft is a Cloud-Based platform that allows multiple users to collaborate in real-time across projects, files, markups, and assignments.

To Collaborate within a Project

After logging into ActiveDraft, select the Projects tab in the left column to see existing Projects. Learn more here on how to create a new Project.   

Projects Page - Projects Tab


To add a User to an existing Project, click on that Project. Within the project, select Share Project & Manage People in the top right-hand corner. This will bring up a new window where you can invite Users to ActiveDraft via this Project or invite existing Users to this Project. 


Share Project & Manage People - Arrow

Add New Members

Within this window, you'll see that you can invite Users into your Project by typing in their email address. You'll then
decide whether this new user can either be a Viewer or a Contributor.

Viewers are only able to view Files and Threads within the Project. Learn more about Roles & Permissions here.  

Once you have the new User's email typed in and the Role selected, the Invite button will become available.

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 12.01.53 PM

Please note: New users will receive an invitation to confirm their email address from noreply@activedraft.com. 

User Invitation Email 4.16.23


Invite Members from Other Projects

You may be interested in adding a Contributor or Viewer from another Project. These available Users will show in the dropdown menu within the Share Project & Manage People window. Like a newly invited User, you'll need to select their Role for this project. 

You'll also notice that any Managers within your Workspace are listed in this Project. Any user with the Manager Permission that you added in Workspace Settings, will have access to all Projects within your workspace. 

Invite Members from Other Projects-4.16.24

Users can Collaborate within this Project in many ways.

  • Seeing one another within a File
  • Commenting in the Project Thread
  • Adding Files to the Project
  • Creating Markups within Files
  • Assigning one another Assignments
  • and much more!

Find screenshots of these functions below. 

Seeing Other Users in Files - LIVE!

While you're engaged with a file, an icon will be displayed at the top to indicate the presence of all active members who are also working on the same file.

Additionally, you will also be able to see the cursor of those Users moving in real-time.

Markups will be displayed and continuously refreshed in real time as everyone collaborates on the same version of the document.


Commenting in the Project Thread

Commenting in a Project Thread-4.16.24


Adding Files to the Project

Add a file in Project 3.16.24

Creating Markups within Files

Creating Markups Generic with Markups Thread 4.16.24

Assigning one another Assignments

Assignment 4.16.24


Need more support? We'd love to help! Email us at support@activedraft.com