How to Manage Your Workspace Settings

The Workspace Settings Page is the central hub for Administrators and Managers to configure their Workspace information and manage users.

Workspace settings are only visible to users with the Administrator or Manager Role within a workspace. All other users will only have access to their Personal Settings

Opening Settings Menu

In the bottom left corner, you’ll see the Settings option. Click the Settings button to navigate to the settings page.

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Here you will encounter two distinct types of settings: Personal and Workspace. Learn more about Personal Settings

Important Workspace Features

Within your ActiveDraft workspace, you can:

  • Upgrade to Pro
  • Change the name of your workspace
  • View your current usage
  • Manager the people in your workspace using a seat

Below we'll dive into each.

Seat Management

You'll want to ensure all users that you'd like to have access to Projects within your Workspace have been added to your workspace.

Storage and Seat Limits

If your Workspace has reached its Seat and Storage Capacity, please reach out to to add additional user seats and storage.